Wyze Buy


Want us to promote your stuff?

Please fill out the form below, or if you’re sending a sample you can include your message in the package.

Tell us what we need to do for you. We’ll send you a quote for our services. We can usually promote your offering for free or at minimal cost, then take a percentage of the price of any items sold via our channels. If this is not possible due to the nature of your offering, we’ll discuss other options with you.

If you wish to send us a sample of your product, use this form to request a delivery address. The address may vary, depending upon the nature of the sample, so it’s important to describe the sample and tell us what it’s designed to do. What are it’s benefits and how is it better than similar competing products? Why have you chosen to send this particular sample, is it your major offering or does it represent a range of your stock? Or perhaps it symbolizes a concept or service you’d like us to promote for you?

If you require us to return your sample to you, you must state this in your message and include a post-paid courier ticket & return address label. Otherwise any samples shall be deemed our property after 30 days.

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